
Nowadays, OTT platforms fulfill the gap of entertainment, as the theatres closed due to COVID 19 lockdown.  Many popular movies came to OTT platforms to entertain the audience.  Aha movies are the different OTT platform, which came with exclusive Telugu movies.  Many Telugu masterpieces were added to the movie library of Aha movies.  It brought much old industry hit movies, which can be watched many times with the whole family. The aha streaming also added animated mythological fiction to entertain the children.  ChhotaBheem series is the king among animated movies online.  ChhotaBheemZimbra is now available at Aha movies.  So, let’s know about the story and highlights of the film.

Characters: ChhotaBheem, Raju, Chutki, Kalia, Jaggu, Dholu, and Bolu

Direction: Rajiv Chilaka

Production Company: Green Gold Animations

Music: Sunil Kaushik

Run time: 1.4 Hours

Year of Release: 2013


Indian mythological movies can give knowledge about our ancient history and can be understood without reading books.  The parents should arrange to show the mythological movies to their children to get knowledge about mythological characters and about Indian history.  It is also easier to get the children engaged with the animated mythological fiction instead of getting them to read about history, teach them about good and bad, ethics and morality, etc..ChhotaBheem series will give entertainment and some knowledge to the children.  ChhotaBheemZimhara is one of the most popular ones among the series of ChhotaBheem.

ChhotaBheem Krishna versus Zimbara is a 2013 Hindi-language Animation movie directed by Rajiv Chilaka.  The devil Kirmada is caught in Atraksi – the universe of obscurity, due to Bheem and Krishna. Kirmada’s sibling, Zimbara, is resolved to free him and set up his standard.  ChhotaBheem Krishna versus Zimbara contained the characters Jigna Bhardwaj, RupaBhimani, Vatsal Dubey, Rajesh Kava, and Julie Tejwani.

The story of the film is, Zimbara needs to turn out to be all the more impressive to govern the earth.  He needs to free the shaitan’s capacity.  Bheem and Krishna need to stop Zimbara for administering the earth.

Highlights film “ChhotaBheemZimbara”:

The director Rajiv Chilaka molded the film with high-quality visual effects and animations.  He showed Bheem more powerful and the kindness of Krishna.  The way he filmed Zimbara’s character is more effective, and it elevated the heroism of Bheem’s character.

Rajiv Chilaka utilized all the characters properly and made the film wonderful.

The way Rajiv filmed the battles between Zimbara and Bheem is amazing.  The characters Raju, Chutki, Kalia, Jaggu, Dholu, and Bholu appeared as required to the story only.  Director utilized those roles in the story brilliantly.

Green Gold Animations produced the film with higher technical values like quality animation, the portrayal of every frame beautiful, and natural.

Sunil Kaushik gave wonderful background music, which elevated the scenes in the film.

Click here to watch cartoon movies online.

Finally: ChhotaBheemZimbara is a must-watch film for children.

By sam